Namen in vloga kraniosakralne terapije in kraniosakralnega facilitatorja

Kranioskralna reintegracija Nov 09, 2022

“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”
~ Brené Brown

Brené je s temi besedami zelo dobro opisala bistvo kraniosakralne terapije in vlogo kraniosakralnega facilitatorja --> usposobljen in izurjen nežen dotik, globoka jasnost, sočutna prisotnost, zaupanje in podpora klientovi inherentni modrosti za zdravljenje.

Foto: Martina Zaletel

Alenka Palian

Facilitator of Craniosacral Reintegration, Counselor of Australian Bush Flower Essences and Schüssler Minerals, Mediator, Promoter of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, Senior Project Manager

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