Galgo Ada

Pets and Animals Jan 14, 2020

Spanish greyhound, Galgo Ada raised for hunting. After her adoption, she remained aloof, very much attached to her dog mom, who calls her a crybaby  and put in a lot of effort to make Ada part of her family. She’s really eloquent, so you keep expecting her to just start speaking one day. She was especially afraid of men and did not like her dog dad cuddle her. He says that Ada is a bit autistic ... because when you walk with her on the sidewalk, she will always walk along the curb using the edge to guide her. The same happens she sees a line in the pattern of tiles on the street or indoors.

The video is of craniosacral therapy I did this with her. Ada cried during the entire session. Earlier, she would not allow such therapy to be done with her, she would get up and leave when touched. Several months of support with Australian Bush Flower Essences opened the way for therapy with touch. We also made this clip because it clearly shows the functioning of craniosacral therapy on the pet's emotional level.

People have a lot of security and control mechanisms so it is so much easier for us to push away our feelings or stash them away into cells. Animals have a more free path of expression, especially after healing underlying trauma. Ada’s cries were about processing the pain stored in living tissue, namely, the beatings she received as a hunting dog. The clip is from the last part of the therapy also shows how she communicates with me and tells me it is good for her to let go of this recorded trauma.
After two weeks, the family noticed how she had become significantly more relaxed, confident and cuddly. Later on, we noticed that she comes over to cuddle with her stars, her dog dad and dog uncle. The next step was that in the showroom, where she spends her working day with her dog parents, she herself approaches men and asks to be petted.

Ada turned from cry baby to cuddly.

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Alenka Palian

Facilitator of Craniosacral Reintegration, Counselor of Australian Bush Flower Essences and Schüssler Minerals, Mediator, Promoter of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, Senior Project Manager

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