Flower Essences and pets

Pets and Animals Sep 02, 2019

We started supporting Twiggy and Ada, the greyhound sisters, with floral essences just before the new year 2016/2017. Twiggy has been particularly vulnerable to loud bangs and fireworks since her arrival in her new home. With the help of Bach's Essences, that New Year celebration was a bit more peaceful . Twiggy was no longer shaking around midnight, but she still lay under the table in a "tent" prepared for her to hide in frozen fear.
After Twiggy became more stable, both took essences for this purpose almost the entire year 2017. And the next New Year holidays were quieter and playful, even if there was some loud noise on the street, which would have scared Twiggy earlier, now she no longer reacted to it.

Before New Year's holidays 2017/2018, I transitioned from Bach's essences to Australian Bush Flower Essences after having the experience that Australian essences reach deeper in solving the root causes. Both of them calmed down even more.
In June 2018, we decided to support both dogs with a special combination of essences for summer, because the dogs found the hot weather really very difficult. Later, I added to this combination an essence for deep (old) trauma, which is carried by every hunting or racing dog. After using this essence, both began to open up and be substantially more trustful. Well, there was not such a noticeable difference in Twiggy's level of confidence as she always found someone to pet her. With Ada, however, small changes began to emerge, especially in the fact that she was no longer so much dependent on the presence of her dog mom.

Last autumn, they spent some time visiting in Germany, and it was not easy for them. Ada was particularly shocked, she even vomited, cried and occasionally barked "why did  they leave me here". At that time I gave them a calming combination in their drinking water, which also contained an essence for fear / panic. After that, especially with Ada, little by little we recognized new changes in trust and tolerance.

This spring, I gave Ada and Twiggy a combination for group / sister harmonisation. They have been together in the family for several years now, but after Ada’s very strong Craniosacral therapy (resolving the physical and emotional consequences of being beaten as a hunting dog), there was some friction between sisters about their status.
Now we are witnessing moments of harmonisation – leaning on each other. The key to this is that Ada previously did not tolerate close proximity. If Twiggy approached her, Ada got up and moved away.

I am grateful to Ada and Twiggy for showing me so clearly the transformative effect of essences.

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Alenka Palian

Facilitator of Craniosacral Reintegration, Counselor of Australian Bush Flower Essences and Schüssler Minerals, Mediator, Promoter of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, Senior Project Manager

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